- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Lazy Forest Evening
After a long day of hiking and fishing, the sun begins to set and rain starts to fall so you and your camping companion(s) return to camp. You settle into your sleeping bag early and relax as rain patters the tent above your head. Outside, someone's started a campfire, probably to cook up the day's catch and stay warm in the chilled mountain air. It has been an amazing day, but it's about time you leaned back and relaxed.
Image Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/karenandbrademerson/35333487725/in/photolist-VQimUe-24WLSQx-2b6HkLb-27UEoZS-CoP98N-FL2a3Z-Yopn4b-21MKUzu-QSbTYx-DP4ko3-2bzHZNA-ZN9mgV-26TDUx1-qxKrpX-29tzEWd-WqmKux-s8xiUc-28FPzB2-Zxi5GV-24TsuCC-28UbqxQ-2fjDDG6-29rH5TG-28xvZuF-VKstRj-254xwNH-ZGuzuj-215s4Ab-26nBXne-224YfXq-PchTRQ-X4dB57-21Ybe8C-212iFum-DYEBgw-ULywcH-rv4zGH-AQ4fYo-224S76Q-PeYWA1-227ximz-224Zvts-227vK3t-Az74wN-NgCStT-vJ4E12-24LccmW-2fgSKgK-EV7g89-2aXZK34
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License details for "Lazy Forest Evening"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Happy birds singing a summer s by "sphion from http://freesound.org" +)
- rustling leaves Lundby forest by Agnese Priekule +)
- Curtains in Breeze by freesound.org +)
- Rain on a tent by guyburns at http://freesound.org/people/guyburns/sounds/320338/ +)
- soft wind noise in pine trees by jgrzinich https://freesound.org/people/jgrzinich/sounds/329805/# +)
- Zipper by leosalom from http://freesound.org +)
- cricket indoors by Michaelvelo from http://freesound.org +)
- campfire by reinsamba from http://freesound.org +)
Image from: Karen and Brad Emerson